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My motto: It's not the wrong way; just a different way... This blog tracks my chaotic life as a mum of six wonderful children and one gorgeous granddaughter, my addiction to knitting and all things crafty, oh, and life with The Viking...

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Gallery- April

The theme over at The Gallery this week is 'April'.

April, for me has been a gorgeous month of hot, sunny weather, picnics and holidays. I love this time of year when I can finally play out again! Especially since I now have Elle as my 'excuse' to go down the big slide at the park; she 'needs' help of course :).
 Anyway, here is Elle playing Hide and Seek behind a chair :)


  1. Lovely! Funky Monkey hasn't got the concept of hide and seek yet either, she can hide in good places but then shouts I'm here! Mummy over here!

  2. Hehe awwww. Cute. Someone's really enjoying theselves!!!

    I envy your lovely green garden (the bit I can see!), Babyzoid would love to play hide and seek out in the open. Buying a house with a stone landscaped garden was a mistake that only couples without children make! Doh! xXx

  3. Bless. I love her hat. That's the best part of Spring and April. Getting out and about.

  4. Haha I envy that garden too! Sadly it's not mine, it belongs to Little Moreton Hall! :( x

  5. Pretty girl playing peek a boo.
    My try is over at http://gigglingatitall.blogspot.com

  6. Did you count, "one, two, miss a few, ninety nine, one hundred!"?

  7. How lovely! Like my little one, has not quite grasped the concept of hiding! I adore her little bonnet. x

  8. I too am enjoying the slide excuse, though sometimes I find it a bit of a squeeze! Lovely photo and a perfect picture to sum up how fab it is to have little ones and good weather all at once. The winter was far too long.

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! It's a bit embarrassing if you can't slide down the slide because it's just that little bit too narrow!!

  10. Aww what an adorable photo :)
